Our passion for astrophotography was ignited by the encouragement we received from our social media followers after sharing our content. This prompted us to name our private observatory Las Vegas Observatory.
We currently own a wide variety of telescopes which range from Smart Telescopes (Dwarf II and Dwarf 3, Seestar S50 and S30 as well as the Celestron Origin), and SCT Telescopes (Edge HD 11, NexStar 8SE, NexStar 130SLT).

Jerry onDemand: Jerry onDemand started on TikTok and its where we have posted our astrophotography journey, which has included 2 solar eclipses, 2 lunar eclipses, photographs of planets and nebula as well as the equipment we use. To view our content, visit @jerryondemand on YouTube, TikTok and Instagram.

Las Vegas Observatory: The Las Vegas Observatory is a privately owned observatory owned and operated by us located in the Las Vegas Valley. For more information on our Observatory, visit www.lasvegasobservatory.com.

West Coast Astro: West Coast Astro was started by us realizing that there was a need for quality telescope accessories. So we started small with just one product, a Bahtinov Mask for the Dwarf II Smart Telescope, and from there we continued growing our portfolio and haven’t ever looked back. We are active on social media, visit @wcoastastro on YouTube, TikTok and Instagram and via our website, www.westcoastastro.com.